Monday, 11 June 2012

An update on my friends, Zorro & Baby

Baby - Once Baby's surgery healed she went up to the shelter for adoption. It didn't take very long for her to be snapped up by a lovely couple with a few young kids.
A few days after her adoption Baby and her new family came for a visit down to the clinic. She still remembered us all and gave us a big kiss and a cuddle when we went to say hi. It's great to see Baby go to such a loving new family. I know her new family will bring her in for more visits in the future.

Zorro - Zorro is becoming a part of the furniture a the clinic. He has been with us well over 2 months as his road to recovery is slow. We sent a few xrays to a specialist to get an opinion on his healing process as we were all unsure whether his leg was healing properly. The specialist said it looked fantastic and we just need to keep up with physiotherapy. If you were to meet Zorro you would realise physio is a struggle.
You go outside, struggle to put his lead on as he bounces up and down, once the lead is on you get dragged out the gate and around the edge of the perimeter! As i've mentioned before Zorro is a very exhuberant, young dog who doesn't know what slow is and we are all struggling a bit to keep him calm. He is kept in a large cage due to his post operative instructions so he is always just itching to get out.
I worked over the weekend and felt sorry for him so I was a little sneaky and let him have a bit of a larger space to trot around in. When I went back to check on him I saw that he'd tucked himself back into bed and was resting peacefully. There is a quiet side to him, we obviously just don't see it often!
I will keep you posted with Zorro's time in the clinic and let you know when he finally goes up for adoption!

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